Tuesday 24 September 2019

For the young

Anyone who has read this blog will know that  I'm no fan of many aspects of the modern way of thinking. There's far to much political correctness. There's far to many people deliberately looking to get offended. There's just so much judgement of others who think differently to yourself.

There is so much virtue signalling on social media, that's why I don't do social media at all. Its a shame because these platforms can be so good in changing the world. They can however be used far to often for building social bubbles for yourself and others who think just like you.

I could spend hours writing about all that's wrong with the world and especially this country. But what's the point . Open most media either digital or print and you can read all about it.

I'm an environmentalist. I'm a vegan - who often relapses back to vegetarian and I'm a minimalist. I'm also a 54 year old man who is disgusted by my generation and the selfishness that seems to define it. This country is now full of midlife crisis men and women who care very little about anything but themselves. Its all about the car; the house and all the other possessions that they think they need and screw the next generation.

I've been critical myself of many of the younger generation. I've said they need a reality check. That the world does not work like they want it to.

Well I was wrong. Who am I or anyone else to criticise them for not wanting to belong to the world that I know.

If they want to be woke.
If they want 73 genders.
If they take offence at things that my generation doesnt.
If they wish to live their lives in social media . That's up to them.

With all this also comes respect for each other. Respect for the planet. Respect for animals.
You don't have all the answers. Your young and idealistic.
BUT, your coming from a better starting place than my generation. You have a better grounding than my generation and my peers. Don't make our mistakes and try not to make new ones.

This is your world now. I think you may actually treat it better than we did.
Good luck.

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