Saturday 28 April 2018

Loony radical liberalism.

Anyone who is familiar with his blog will know I fire my most scathing criticism at liberalism...
Because I'm a liberal !!!
I'm quite happy to let the academics dissect and decide what kind of liberal I am. My explanation is -middle of the road liberal. Yeah I know that sounds boring, So many people now want to be edgy and 'individual', or pretend to be. 
Nope...middle of the road is cool by me.

I, like most people have views from left to right.
I believe that everyone has the right to choose who they fall in love with or marry. I'm pro-choice. Pro freedom of religion -or none.
Any adult- in their right mind- should have the choice to live their life as they see fit and be protected from abuse and harm for their choices.
But, this insane bullshit that is gathering pace about gender is ridiculous. There are two genders -male and female,simple.

I believe that science is right when it says that men and women exist on a sliding scale.
To over simplify it...Total female  oestrogen at at one end, and total male testosterone at the other. Every human being exists within that scale. I also believe that most gender differences are down to cultural biases and programming.
But for Christ sake, can we just have male and female. Does it matter if a loud speaker announcement at the train station may offend some overly sensitive people for addressing the commuters as 'ladies and gentlemen'. Or that expectant mothers are now to be referred to as 'expectant people'. 

Very few people care about other peoples life choices. Prosecute the bigots who verbally or physically attack them and leave the rest of us out of your games. I think there are far fewer homophobes and transphobic people in society than the virtue signalling left would have us believe. I also believe that a vast majority of the LGBT community ain't interested in all this virtue signalling form the looney left.
Most just want to live a quiet life-like the rest of us and not feel marginalised or judged.  Which is ironic because the fringe loons are drawing attention on them with the impression that all LGBT have huge chips on their shoulders. Surely this is counter productive. 
Here's an idea , if you virtue signalling lefties wish to change things and really go after the homophobes and bigots;go after the religious right...and that includes Islam.

This modern day absolute ridiculous bullshit about gender is-it appears to me- just insecure people wanting attention and to be different. Its an extension of this self obsessed social media world that we live in now. The look at me ,please see I'm different ...please please please.

And it even sadder because it all appeared too be sent into overdrive by a shallow vacuous reality star that belongs to a god awful family. He used to be an Olympian , and now wishes to be called Kaitlan . I'm not even going to google there name to see if its spelt properly ,I hold this person in such disdain.
And... I did read somewhere that he still has male parts . So sorry call me transphobic if you like but ...that's still a guy. A guy in a dress is still a guy. A guy who has had his bits cut of is not a woman, its a guy- with no bits.
They should have absolutely no fear and be fully protected and allowed to go about their own business without fear of violence or abuse...but they are still a guy.

Christ sake even President Obama said that the trans movement was the new civil rights movement. WHAT?
So the billions of women living as second class citizens isn't the new civil rights movement.
Plus if I was an African American and Obama said that the the trans movement was on a par with black Americans wanting equality in the latter half of the last century , I would be shouting

I don't give a damn if someone does or does not refer to me as a white heterosexual male. My name is fine by me..
So why the hell are so many people changing society just to please there jumped up little egos and insecurities. The only reassuring point in this is that I don't think its that many people who are campaigning for this. We sadly live in a time when every opinion -no mater how ridiculous it is- has credence, and people in authority are afraid to say 'whoa this is crazy'.
'Virtue signalling'

We are told we have to listen to them and take them seriously.
Hopefully this will all come to an end soon. Although a really worrying trend in history is this; when a group tries to dictate and demand from society sometimes society eventually turns on them, and no one wants that.

Why are so many people wanting to label themselves. Because the left love to place people in boxes, in tribes The left love tribal politics. 
To them there is only a Muslim. They are as guilty as the EDL for this narrow categorisation. Where in reality there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. There are good forms of Islam and there are regressive. There are Muslims who just wish to live life and there are others who wish to end it.
But to the left we have to treat them all the same...Muslim.

They do this with just about everyone. There are only black people. Considering that white humans basically cover Europe,North America and Australasia that means there are a hell of a lot of dark skinned people on this planet. And as for what they define as black [African] there is more genetic diversity between Southern Africans and Northern Africans than there is between an African and a European. 
But to the left there is just black.

The same goes for Asian grooming gangs. If I were Asian I would be furious that the term for a huge continent with huge diversity is being grouped together and named as a grooming gang. The same goes for Muslim grooming gangs. Again for many Muslims this must be so offensive to them.
A more accurate description of these grooming gangs is- Pakistani Muslim. But how dare we point the finger at Pakistanis; but its okay to point at the whole continent of Asia.

The left do the same with people they hate. Israel is Jewish but it does not represent all Jews. But to the looney left they are all the same; they hate Jews. Antisemitism runs right through the left. Not because they hate the religion of Judaism, but because they hate capitalism and they think Jews run the capitalist system.

Even more sinister is the way the left love to lump white people together. We are all racist; its in our genes. Why? Because of empire and history.
Fucking bullshit.
But if these left wing naval gazing morons would read more they would see that empire was not built by the white masses. It was built by the ruling elite who used the white masses to do their bidding. Many times these same elites searched out particularity greedy rulers in the countries that were ruled under empire .Pay them huge rewards and they would keep their own people down.

I love it when Scots with chips on their shoulders blame the English for everything . Whereas what really happened was greedy lairds kept there own people down for huge rewards from the English royalty. And when English armies marched north it wasn't a volunteer army , but an army of impoverished and put down people who had no choice but to march under their lords banner.
But its hard to argue with someone who is so full of hate and find it easier to blame another person,country, colour or religion for everything that is wrong in their lives.

I wish we could a s species starting looking forward and stop wanting to be victims. What used to happen in the west to gays,women,black people,transvestites etc. etc. etc. was disgusting and horrible. Very few of the perpetrators are still alive the vast majority of us have never placed another human in chains. We have never subjugated a woman. We have never screamed puff down the street. Or shouted go home to a immigrant family and we have never said anything to a transvestite or transsexual. So why are we all having to suffer because of the actions of a few bigots and racists ?

Please can we end this victim mentality.

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