Monday 26 November 2012

Nationalism and culture.

Most people gravitate towards nationalism because they have genuine concerns and believe the main parties aren't speaking for them. Its only when they get plugged into the propaganda machine that they are either sucked further in or blown out.
Most [like me] get blown out.

The ones who are sucked in end up in a [what is for all intense purposes] a cult!
It ends up all being about race and ethnicity.
They think there is a ‘concerted effort to eradicate the Anglo Saxon race and its culture’
They end up with an ever decreasing circle of friends and the world closes in on them. Leaders like Griffin end up with the same reverence as religious cult leaders like David Koresh and Jimmy Jones. Their world view becomes distorted and they see conspiracies everywhere.

This ethnicity/race argument falls on stony ground with so many people that nationalist parties are reinventing themselves. 
They now focus on culture instead.
They now no longer mention the colour of your skin or your ethnic origin, but the colour and style of your clothes. The music you listen too. The deity’s you worship and the language you speak.

These cultural nationalists say “it’s all about culture” but it’s just the same ideology re-branded to sell to the British voter.
Parties  like the English Democrats, Britain first, British freedom and several others [they seem to be springing up on a monthly basis] now say we don’t care about the colour of your skin as long as you embrace being British or English.

What exactly does this mean though? What is British/English culture?  
I think the most idiotic remark I've heard recently was by Eddy Butler [ex BNP now English Democrats]
He had been in Edinburgh for a few days and stated [on his blog] that there are glaring differences between cultures. He then goes onto say that you can tell the difference between an Englishman and a Scot just by the way they carry themselves??

Well if nationalists can see a difference between a Scot and an Englishman’ just by looking at them’ what the hell differences do they see when looking at an African or an Asian?
Again ‘it’s hard to argue with this kind of mentality. They will argue that ‘just because you can’t see it that you've been brainwashed by the politically correct media’ or some other such crap.

A definition of culture isthe characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

Cuisine, music and the arts; this kind of positive multiculturalism has made Britain the vibrant and cosmopolitan country that it is today. Of course if you want to you will find an instance to bring that statement crumbling down, nationalists always do!

At a meeting in the North East one senior BNP man was doing a speech and moaned on for 20 minutes about how his girlfriend had dragged him to a local cultural event and some Indians had sold him a curry for five pounds and it was “small and horrible”.
This was [to him] how these “bloody foreigners are ripping us all off’.
It really doesn't take much for some people!
When faced with this kind of unwarranted bigotry you just roll your eyes and switch off and think once again "I've entered the twilight zone"
And then there was the ex BNP GLA member Richard Barnbrook who spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get such things as the Notting hill carnival stopped.
To your die hard nationalist these kinds of events are undermining British culture and identity!

Language; this is another favourite of Nationalists.
Yes there are problems with language. One example nationalists cite; are the vast amounts of money being spent on translation services, all funded by the taxpayer. They have a point.
The main issue ‘however’ should be if everyone speaks different languages how can a society work well?
The system is far from perfect but the nationalist way is not the answer.

Social habits and religion; now we come down to the reason me and many others have listened to the nationalist message.
All too often it is religion that has the greatest impact on social habits. It’s not so much the religion that causes social barriers but the social habits that the religion forms. Some good some bad, some downright barbaric and inhuman!       

Religion and the way it forms negative social habits is the one fly in the ointment. 
It is these bad points that the far right use to try and turn everyone off any aspect of multiculturalism.
I'm like many people and am not against the positive elements of multiculturalism, just the negative ones that divide us.

On the other side of the political spectrum and aiding them we have the post-modern left and there obsession with multiculturalism.
To them multiculturalism in its entirety is and always will be a good thing, and you must be a racist if you disagree.
This kind of arrogant thinking is causing more problems in British society than nationalism.

Nationalism is small time; a small handful of nutjob’s trying to stir things up.
The post-modern multicultural apologists are a huge movement though who have real influence and power on all aspects of our lives. They are the recruiting agents for the nationalists.

Under there screwed up version of a multicultural utopia; it’s great that everyone speaks different languages, live in there own communities and where stone age practices are accepted and tolerated because "we can’t criticise another culture".
"Yes we bloody can and what’s more; any moral modern human should"

The lefts obsession with multiculturalism has seen Britain become more and more segregated. People have divided along cultural lines and shut themselves off from their neighbours and all with the blessing of the left. This is not good for society.

The far right tell us everything but British/English culture is great and should be preserved. The far left tell us that we should respect and tolerate everything about another person’s culture.

It’s not about culture though. It’s about modernism. 
Its not about nationality it’s about rationality. It’s about encouraging the spread and growth of the modern world, not the encouragement and growth of the illiberal and inhumane backward world.

Religion and its associated social habits is the one thing that divides us.
We constantly hear from the right how Britain is a Christian country and should remain so.
This country was not built solely on Christianity. This country became modern by looking past Christianity and allowing society to develop without the constraint’s put on by it by religion.
In the process Christianity in the UK had to evolve. This is why the Anglican Church is liberal, it had to become so to survive.
The multicultural left want all religions to be equal in Britain. This means any religion no matter how backward it may be in some of its views should have an equal say in our society.
This is dangerous. Christianity went through an enlightenment [and I am not sticking up for Christianity  the sooner religion is assigned to history the better]. To a certain extent it came out of the dark ages.
Some other religions have yet to do this. Islam for one need’s to modernise to fit in with many aspects of the modern world!

So what is British/English culture, what is it that makes us stand out in the modern world?

I will get so much stick for this for but I don’t think we have one! 
We have a modern culture. A homogeneous culture that we share with many modern countries. Yes we have many cultural idiosyncrasies and sub cultures but it’s this modern culture we should be proud off. 
No doubt nationalists will be able to give me a long list of what it means to be British/English, but most of them will be from the past.

So the far right are trying to preserve something that doesn't exist. The far left are trying to force us to accept thought processes and practices that people in a modern world find appalling.
As a society we shouldn't be concentrating on multiculturalism and differences. We don’t have to be obsessed with monoculture either. We should be looking at what we have in common and our shared values.

Sunday 18 November 2012

British nationalists-born again Christians?

These last few months I've watched as parties such as the BNP appear to be getting more religious. I say “appear” because it’s all just another propaganda con trick!

The BNP is not a Christian organisation. Many of the high ranking officials want God and Jesus replaced with Odin and Thor and the fairy story of heaven replaced with the equally ludicrous Valhalla.
You just have to look at some pictures of their antiquated get together’s to see overgrown children like Chris Beverly [ex BNP and current English democrat’s] running around with swords pretending to be ‘warriors’!!!

They despise Christianity because it originates from that place where all those brown skinned people live! That is not just a humorous dig this is what these fools believe.

One of the many weird things about party’s like the BNP is that we all know they want to turn the clock back, but I don’t think people know just how far.
Some of these nuts want paganism to be the national religion again.
Roll on stone circles been built on every village green and maypole dancing being the national sport ‘and god help us’ Morris dancing being on the curriculum at school!

What next religious slaughter of animals?
That sounds familiar, yet another cause that the nationalist parties have attempted to hijack [more on that another time]

Christianity is just another cause they have latched onto. One more with which to wring their hands and shout that 'the system is out to get them'. In typical nationalistic style [a style of paranoia and perceived unfairness] whereas every government organisation is out to get you and everything that is British/English.

Recently the BNP have even started a Sunday sermon on their website .This is just a cynical ploy to attract another demographic of voter.  It’s all the usual fire and brimstone, but laced with s heavy subterfuge that christianity is under threat.

For a few years now there has been this ridiculous misconception that the Christian faith is under attack. You hear on a regular basis how Christians are losing their rights.
Christianity is not under attack. It is becoming un-necessary!

It’s a pity that we are not treating all religions the same.  Unfortunately overly political correctness is ensuring that some other religions such as Islam are not also being consigned to history.

This is leaving the ground open to the childish nationalist’s party to stamp there feet and scream unfair.

Another reason they are becoming more vocal in the defence of Christianity is because ‘on average’ nationalist party members are increasingly coming from the older generation. This can be seen all too easily by looking at any of their propaganda photos. Whenever there is a meeting or street activity it’s all too obvious that they are attracting more of the elderly.

Why, are older folk racist?  No not at all. It may just be that many of the older generation are more susceptible to their message.  This message that everything has changed for the worse and Britain is a hellish land of immigrants and that their own government is out to destroy everything that is British and in this case Christianity.

This perceived attack on Christianity is just another tool in the nationalist party’s tool box to garner support.
After all the elderly now make up one of the largest demographic of voters in the UK!
If the BNP can fool them into believing that there Christian heritage is under attack they may just gain massive support.

In their clamour to get more votes they will defend anything that they believe will get them support.  
Victim status is the only message for nationalists. Once you cut through this they have nothing of substance to offer.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Propaganda instead of policy’s

I appear to be back on the BNP mailing list.
When I left the BNP I received numerous anonymous threats and intimidation. Some were made by phone, some by email, so I changed both. I still check my old email address every so often just to see if there are any nationalist loons still sending anything.

I checked it today and was surprised to see one of their official propaganda emails.
At the moment the party is haemorrhaging support and have perhaps in desperation dug out some old mailing lists, my details being on it.

With this email there was an attachment for a leaflet which they will be distributing nationwide.
This leaflet is all about keeping our children safe from predatory sex criminals.
A very important cause!

But in usual BNP style it is just a convenient excuse to target a minority. It refers to the grooming gangs that have been all over the news these past few months.
But only the grooming gangs that are Muslim!
Let me be very clear on this.These Muslim men along with any child sex offender should be locked up and the key thrown away. I ‘like any decent human being’ detest sex criminals particularly sex crimes involving children.

The leaflet starts with a list of key points on how to spot a groomer.
One of these points specifically asks ‘does he hail from a Muslim country’?
“No doubting who this leaflet is targeting then”

This follows onto a short piece on how the establishment tried to lock Nick Griffin up when he raised this subject several years ago.
The BNP are having field day with this. Griffin said this was happening years ago and he was ignored and put on trial.
This should have been investigated then, just because a backwards racist like Griffin says it is happening does not mean you can ignore it.
Other people like Labour MP Ann Crier from Keighley and Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadan foundation also said that this was happening’ they too were ignored.

One aspect that has come to light in relation to these Muslim grooming gangs is that it has become very clear that many people who could have prevented these crimes turned a blind eye to this obscene behavior because of ethnic sensitivities and the fear of having the race card used against them.
There should be a full investigation and these people made to pay for their actions.

Next there is a photo of twenty five convicted pedophiles. 
All Brown skinned [maybe one white but it is hard to tell as he is wearing a cap, perhaps he been placed there just to try and avert criticism]
Underneath these pictures in bold print is the statement “These are groomers, this is what they look like”
With these pictures there is more advice for young girls.
“If you’re a Sikh he may pretend to be one too, even wearing a bangle and using a Sikh name”.
The BNP have been trying for a while to garner Sikh support. Not because they like and want Sikhs in the UK, but because they are trying to divide community’s.
Isolate the Muslims first then eventually they will get to the Sikhs, then Afro Caribbean, African, eastern Europeans etc.

There then follows a personal account by a young girl who was groomed by these perverts.  
Sadly there are far too many young girls who will have similar story's to tell.

Finally the leaflet finishes with a drawing of a young girl in distress, beside her a bottle of poison and just too make sure that the reader has no doubt where all groomers hail from there is the red crescent of Islam with a hypodermic needle through it.
Then just in case the you have missed the point of what all groomers look like. There is a very sinister faceless figure. A figure of a man with his hands up in a way that appears to be casting a spell.
Faceless yes but with one distinct feature. A beard and no mustache. The beard worn by many Muslim men.
Subtle and not so subtle programming that all these sick beasts are Muslim. No mention of the white grooming gang from Scotland. No mention of the white gang from Darby. And no mention of the various and assorted scum that prey on kids, because the perverts are white. The BNP is not interested in exposing white perverts and murders, this does there cause no good. There whole propaganda machine has no interest in right or wrong. Its only there to stigmatise minority's.

Whilst in the BNP I met a guy whose daughter had been groomed. I lost contact with him but hope the trial on the Rochdale grooming gang included the scum that had groomed and raped his daughter.
He came to the BNP when he was let down by his local police force.
He told me a harrowing tale of being visited by a police officer who broke down in tears in his living room because the guilty parties were not even getting investigated. He knew they were guilty but his hands were tied.
I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have your daughter hurt in this way and then for the police ‘who are supposed to protect the innocent’ let you down.
This guy joined the BNP is desperation.
I know he left in disgust when he realised what they were and I sincerely hope he and his family are getting their lives back together.
Not everyone who joins the far right is a racist; some just have no one else to try.

If there is a link to a certain community and sex crimes it needs examined to the full. 
There should be no fear of racism or cultural sensitivities. If it isn't morons like the BNP will get their wish and see whole communities labelled guilty without trial. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

The symbiotic relationship between the far left and the far right

Since starting this blog I have received a few emails asking me why I’m so anti left wing. I should maybe clarify my position. When referring to the far left I’m not really talking about political ideology. It’s some organisations on the far left and the mentality of confrontation that I’m referring to.

When I went to my first BNP meeting I was met by a group of about 20 protesters. Made up of half adults and half kids. The kids mostly under 12 were all holding placards ‘which they obviously didn't write’ calling anyone who attended a Nazi.
I heard one young protester [who looked about eight] ask another person going into the meeting “are you a racist cunt” She looked far too young to even know what she was asking, the words had obviously been put into her mouth.

In the meeting I was told that the local UAF representative Brent Kennedy [a venomous little man] had organised the protest along with the brother of the local Asian Labour Cllr and roped a load of local kids in.  
On entering the meeting this same Brent Kennedy had got in my face screaming ‘Nazi’ at me, I just looked at him in bewilderment ‘who the hell was this nut-job?
I then had to walk past another handful of adults. One in particular [who we came to know as ‘side show bob [the Simpsons character with large hair] got right in my face telling me “you’re not welcome here Nazi” Oh and he was wearing a top hat?
Yeah I was going to take this guy seriously wasn't I?

I thought ‘who the hell are theses idiots and who the hell do they think they are talking to people like this’

This was my first experience of the UAF and unbeknown to them they had already primed me and pushed me further in before I had even attended my first meeting.
I'm like many people when someone gets in your face screaming obscenities it doesn't make you rethink your actions, it pushes you further in.

I had many such run in’s with the UAF [only the other times it was several dozen adults quite often wearing masks, hurling obscenities or spitting at you]. When this happens you don’t rethink your political allegiance, you get angry and focus on them as the enemy.
Then its not the support of the BNP that drives you, it’s your anger at these organisations.
Griffin exploits this to the full to portray the 'them and us' scenario.
I think if it wasn't for the UAF I would have had an even shorter relationship with the BNP.

The likes of ‘searchlight’ and ‘hope not hate do some good work exposing the far right ‘although some of it is politically motivated’ but needless to say anything that stops the far right gaining ground is good.
Without a doubt there anti BNP leafleting sessions during an election really do work [I have first-hand experience of this and how it can destroy the voter base] 
But I have a problem with some of their other tactics.

Recently the Muslim debate initiatives [MDI] were to hold a debate with Stephen Lennon/Tommy Robinson out of the EDL.
The MDI are exactly what the name implies they debate issues regarding Islam. One major criticism of Islam is that they are not open to debate. Here we have an org like the MDI who are open to debate and the far left UAF along with groups such as searchlight and hope not hate did the usual tactics of harassment and threats until the event was pulled.

Why do they do this?
Debate is a must in a healthy democracy. Even amongst people who would like to see democracy end.
As far as I'm concerned people like Nick Griffin, Anjem Choudary and Tommy Robinson need to be exposed on a regular basis. 
Put them on the TV but put them on and ask them the right questions!

When Griffin was on question time the far left went into overdrive. Hundreds demonstrated outside the BBC. There were clashes with the police and this resulted in loads of messages of support coming through to the office. Again the victim status was working and the BNP hierarchy loved it.
Hours later was Griffins moment in the spotlight. It was priceless and he was shown up for the racist holocaust denier that he is. 
I quit the next day but more importantly the BNP voter base collapsed. This is proof that the vast majority of the Great British public do not want nationalism.

So why do the likes of  searchlight and HnH not see that this is the way to bring down the BNP. Allow them in the spotlight [organised and with the right questions] give them enough rope then let them hang themselves.
Yes they should protest and leaflet but more importantly people need to see and hear the real agenda from Griffins own mouth.The British people will never flock on mass to them if they hear the fact’s.

To play into their hands and give them the victim status they so crave is ensuring that they remain. Show the public the truth and the likes of the BNP will disappear for good.